Excalibur - Leading the way to simplified and faster editing
Speed up your workflow with Excalibur 6 - The Custom Command - always available as a docked window!

Excalibur 6 is compatible with Vegas pro 8.0a or newer, Vegas Pro 8.1, Vegas Pro 9-32 and 64 bit, Vegas Pro 10-32 and 64 bit, Vegas Pro 11, Vegas Pro 12, Vegas Pro 13, VEGAS Pro 14, VEGAS Pro 15, VEGAS Pro 16, VEGAS Pro 17, VEGAS Pro 18, VEGAS Pro 19.

NOTE: Excalibur (or any other script or Custom Command) will NOT work with any of the VEGAS Movie Studio products. Only the Pro version of VEGAS is supported.

Download Excalibur
Version 6.14.2
Custom Command for Vegas Pro 14 - 19 64 bit.
Corrects 2 issues found in Vegas Pro 17+

Download Excalibur
Version 6.14.0
Custom Command for Vegas Pro 14 - 19 64 bit.

Download Excalibur
Version 6.13.0
Custom Command for Vegas Pro 13 64 bit.

Download Excalibur
Version 6.0.8
Custom Command for Vegas Pro 8.0a or newer, Vegas Pro 8.1,
Vegas Pro 9/10/11/12 - 32/64 bit!

For older versions of Vegas, see details about the older script versions here

What's New
What's new in version in 6?

Excalibur 6 - The Custom Command
See what others have to say about Excalibur!
Full version (Unlock with purchase of a registration key) and 15 day fully functional Demo.


Custom Command-- Multi-Cam-- Cameras-- Timeline-- Velocity/Duration-- Events-- PIP/Twirls-- Video Effects-- Audio-- Repair/Maintenance-- Assets-- Properties-- Quick Label-- About-- FAQ

Video Effects tools provide:
  • Stutter effect similar to mouse trails
  • Strobe Light effect optionally removing the "off" segments
  • Apply multiple Effects to the specified events
  • Apply multiple Effects to the specified tracks
  • Remove multiple Effects to the specified events
  • Remove multiple Effects to the specified tracks